Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen
Die Abteilung Angiologie hat ein zertifiziertes Qualitätsmanagement und handelt nach den international anerkannten medizinischen Leitlinien und Curricula und ist auch selbst an der Erstellung dieser Leitlinien und Curricula beteiligt:
- Hinchliffe RJ, Forsythe RO, Apelqvist J, Boyko EJ, Fitridge R, Hong JP, Katsanos K, Mills JL, Nikol S, Reekers J, Venermo M, Zierler RE, Schaper NC. Guidelines on diagnosis, prognosis, and management of peripheral artery disease in patients with foot ulcers and diabetes (IWGDF 2019 update). International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF). Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2020 Mar;36 Suppl 1:e3276.
- Frank U, Nikol S, Belch J, Boc V, Brodmann M, Carpentier PH, Chraim A, Canning C, Dimakakos E, Gottsäter A, Heiss C, Mazzolai L, Madaric J, Olinic DM, Pécsvárady Z, Poredoš P, Quéré I, Roztocil K, Stanek A, Vasic D, Visonà A, Wautrecht JC, Bulvas M, Colgan MP, Dorigo W, Houston G, Kahan T, Lawall H, Lindstedt I, Mahe G, Martini R, Pernod G, Przywara S, Righini M, Schlager O, Terlecki P. ESVM Guideline on peripheral arterial disease. Vasa. 2019 Sep;48(Suppl 102):1-79.
- Frank U, Nikol S, Belch J. 5 Conservative treatment for PAD - Risk factor management. Vasa. 2019 Oct 3:1-12. doi: 10.1024/0301-1526/a000835. [Epub ahead of print]
- Belch J, Carlizza A, Carpentier PH, Constans J, Khan F, Wautrecht JC, Visona A, Heiss C, Brodeman M, Pécsvárady Z, Roztocil K, Colgan MP, Vasic D, Gottsäter A, Amann-Vesti B, Chraim A, Poredoš P, Olinic DM, Madaric J, Nikol S, Herrick AL, Sprynger M, Klein-Weigel P, Hafner F, Staub D, Zeman Z. ESVM guidelines – the diagnosis and management of Raynaud's phenomenon. Vasa. 2017 Oct;46(6):413-423.
- Catalano M, Poredos P, Brodmann M, Wautrecht JC, Carpentier P, Roztocil K, Nikol S, Dimakakos EP, Marakomichelakis GE, Pecsvarady Z, Carlizza A, Sieron A, Stanek A, Olinic D, Stvrtinova V, Kozak M, Agewall S, Amann-Vesti B, Gallino A, Fitzgerald P, Colgan MP. UEMS training requirements for angiology/vascular medicine european standards of postgraduate medical specialist training (ETR Document). Int Angiol. 2016;35(2):217-231.
- Schulte KL, Amendt K, Hoffmann U, Tiefenbacher C, Weiss T, Mudra H, Hardung D, Nikol S. [Curriculum for interventional therapy for arterial diseases. Clinical competence for execution of catheter-based interventions on the arteries of the extremities, on the pelvic, visceral and renal arteries, on the extracranial arteries supplying the brain, and on dialysis shunts]. Vasa. 2012 Nov;41(6):463-76.
Die Ergebnisse unserer Arbeit werden regelmäßig auf nationalen und internationalen Kongressen vorgestellt und in wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen niedergelegt. Hier finden Sie einige der klinischen Studien, an denen mitgearbeitet wurde:
- Lichtenberg M, Breuckmann F, Kramer V, Betge S, Sixt S, Hailer B, Nikol S, Arjumand J, Wittenberg G, Teßarek J, Nolte-Ernsting C. Effectiveness of the Pulsar-18 self-expanding stent with optional drug-coated balloon angioplasty in the treatment of femoropopliteal lesions - the BIOFLEX PEACE All-Comers Registry. Vasa. 2019 Aug;48(5):425-432.
- Norgren L, Weiss N, Nikol S, Hinchliffe RJ, Lantis JC, Patel MR, Reinecke H, Ofir R, Rosen Y, Peres D, Aberman Z. PLX-PAD Cell Treatment of Critical Limb Ischaemia: Rationale and Design of the PACE Trial. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2019 Apr;57(4):538-545.
- Anand SS, Bosch J, Eikelboom JW, Connolly SJ, Diaz R, Widimsky P, Aboyans V, Alings M, Kakkar AK, Keltai K, Maggioni AP, Lewis BS, Störk S, Zhu J, Lopez-Jaramillo P, O'Donnell M, Commerford PJ, Vinereanu D, Pogosova N, Ryden L, Fox KAA, Bhatt DL, Misselwitz F, Varigos JD, Vanassche T, Avezum AA, Chen E, Branch K, Leong DP, Bangdiwala SI, Hart RG, Yusuf S; COMPASS Investigators. Rivaroxaban with or without aspirin in patients with stable peripheral or carotid artery disease: an international, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet. 2018 Jan 20;391(10117):219-229.
- Connolly SJ, Eikelboom JW, Bosch J, Dagenais G, Dyal L, Lanas F, Metsarinne K, O'Donnell M, Dans AL, Ha JW, Parkhomenko AN, Avezum AA, Lonn E, Lisheng L, Torp-Pedersen C, Widimsky P, Maggioni AP, Felix C, Keltai K, Hori M, Yusoff K, Guzik TJ, Bhatt DL, Branch KRH, Cook Bruns N, Berkowitz SD, Anand SS, Varigos JD, Fox KAA, Yusuf S; COMPASS investigators. Rivaroxaban with or without aspirin in patients with stable coronary artery disease: an international, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet. 2018 Jan 20;391(10117):205-218.
- Eikelboom JW, Connolly SJ, Bosch J, Dagenais GR, Hart RG, Shestakovska O, Diaz R, Alings M, Lonn EM, Anand SS, Widimsky P, Hori M, Avezum A, Piegas LS, Branch KRH, Probstfield J, Bhatt DL, Zhu J, Liang Y, Maggioni AP, Lopez-Jaramillo P, O'Donnell M, Kakkar AK, Fox KAA, Parkhomenko AN, Ertl G, Störk S, Keltai M, Ryden L, Pogosova N, Dans AL, Lanas F, Commerford PJ, Torp-Pedersen C, Guzik TJ, Verhamme PB, Vinereanu D, Kim JH, Tonkin AM, Lewis BS, Felix C, Yusoff K, Steg PG, Metsarinne KP, Cook Bruns N, Misselwitz F, Chen E, Leong D, Yusuf S; COMPASS Investigators. Rivaroxaban with or without Aspirin in Stable Cardiovascular Disease. N Engl J Med. 2017 Oct 5;377(14):1319-1330.
- Krankenberg H, Zeller T, Ingwersen M, Schmalstieg J, Gissler HM, Nikol S, Baumgartner I, Diehm N, Nickling E, Müller-Hülsbeck S, Schmiedel R, Torsello G, Hochholzer W, Stelzner C, Brechtel K, Ito W, Kickuth R, Blessing E, Thieme M, Nakonieczny J, Nolte T, Gareis R, Boden H, Sixt S. Self-Expanding Versus Balloon-Expandable Stents for Iliac Artery Occlusive Disease: The Randomized ICE Trial. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2017 Aug 28;10(16):1694-1704.
- Hiatt WR, Fowkes FG, Heizer G, Berger JS, Baumgartner I, Held P, Katona BG, Mahaffey KW, Norgren L, Jones WS, Blomster J, Millegård M, Reist C, Patel MR; EUCLID Trial Steering Committee and Investigators. Ticagrelor versus Clopidogrel in Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease. N Engl J Med. 2017 Jan 5;376(1):32-40.
- Fowkes FG, Forster RB, Levin CE, Naidoo NG, Roy A, Shu C, Spertus J, Fang K, Bechara-Zamudio L, Catalano M, Visonà A, Nikol S, Fletcher JP, Jaff MR, Hiatt WR, Norgren L. Prioritization of treatments for lower extremity peripheral artery disease in low- and middle-income countries. Int Angiol. 2017 Jun;36(3):203-215.
- Van Belle E, Nikol S, Norgren L, Baumgartner I, Driver V, Hiatt WR, Belch J. Insights on the role of diabetes and geographic variation in patients with critical limb ischaemia. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2011 Sep;42(3):365-73.
- Belch J, Hiatt WR, Baumgartner I, Driver IV, Nikol S, Norgren L, Van Belle E; TAMARIS Committees and Investigators. Effect of fibroblast growth factor NV1FGF on amputation and death: a randomised placebo-controlled trial of gene therapy in critical limb ischaemia. Lancet. 2011 Jun 4;377(9781):1929-37.
- Kastrup J, Jørgensen E, Fuchs S, Nikol S, Bøtker HE, Gyöngyösi M, Glogar D, Kornowski R. A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre study of the safety and efficacy of BIOBYPASS (AdGVVEGF121.10NH) gene therapy in patients with refractory advanced coronary artery disease: the NOVA trial. EuroIntervention. 2011 Feb;6(7):813-8.
- Nikol S, Baumgartner I, Van Belle E, Diehm C, Visoná A, Capogrossi MC, Ferreira-Maldent N, Gallino A, Graham Wyatt M, Dinesh Wijesinghe L, Fusari M, Stephan D, Emmerich J, Pompilio G, Vermassen F, Pham E, Grek V, Coleman M, Meyer F. Therapeutic Angiogenesis With Intramuscular NV1FGF Improves Amputation-free Survival in Patients With Critical Limb Ischemia. Mol Ther. 2008 May;16(5):972-978.
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